Please confirm the arrival of the product and contact us immediately after receiving the product, by writing to our E-Mail.
   We accept all products purchased from our website and return the value of the purchased product completely.
The returned product should not be used, broken, scratched, should not be defective and labeled.
  Shipping and refunds are made by the buyer, if the goods purchased by the customer fully comply with the order of his order, but for some reason he wants to return it, then does not have to pay the return costs. If the goods purchased by the customer have been damaged while moving the goods,  returns the full amount and compensates the refund amount or gives you the option to change the product. When we get your returned product, our sales department will check it. We will send you an email. and will let you know about the return of the product. We will also let you know about the return or disapproval of the return. 
   If the return on the product has been confirmed, in this case the amount is transferred back to the card account from which it was charged. Returns are made within 10-15 business days.
   Your requirements are strictly guaranteed.